The association between body mass index, hypertension, and lifestyle on cardiovascular disease in Indonesian elderly
Elderly, BMI, hypertension, lifestyle, heart diseaseAbstract
Background : Cardiovascular disease is one of the non-communicable diseases that causes most deaths in Indonesia. According to data from the Ministry of Health, coronary heart disease is the leading cause of all deaths at 26.4%. The rate of heart disease increases at a concerning pace every year, affecting at least 15 in 1000 Indonesians.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship between BMI, hypertension, and lifestyle to heart disease in the elderly communities in Indonesia.
Methods: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study that uses secondary data from a questionnaire in the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) 5 IIIB book. The sample includes elderly people in Indonesia who met both the inclusion and exclusion criteria and are registered as respondents in IFLS-5. The bivariate analysis used the Chi-Square test and the multivariate analysis used the multivariate logistic regression test.
Result: The result shows that there is a significant relationship between gender (p= 0.000; OR = 0.492; 95% CI= 0.351-0.691), education (p= 0.003; OR= 0.584; 95% CI= 0.409-0.833), BMI (p= 0.041; OR=1.748; 95% CI= 1.023-2.987), and smoking habits (p= 0.000; OR= 0.202; 95% CI= 0.125-0.327) with cardiovascular disease. The most significant factor is BMI (p= 0.041; OR=1.748; 95% CI= 1.023-2.987).
Conclusion: Gender, education, BMI, and smoking habits have a significant relationship with heart disease. BMI is the most significant factor and act as a risk factor of cardiovascular disease.
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